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School Alert
New Family Referral Program

New Family Referral Program

Word of mouth through current Cornerstone families is one of the most effective ways to attract and enroll new families to Cornerstone.  The New Family Referral Program awards both a referring Cornerstone family and the family they refer with a one-time $500 tuition credit when the new family enrolls and attends Cornerstone Christian Academy.

This referral program is for Cornerstone parents or guardians who are paying tuition for full-time enrolled students.  Tuition credits will be awarded up to the amount of the referring family’s current tuition and will be given based on the family’s payment plan (divided annually, semi-annually, or monthly).  In order for either family to receive the tuition credit, the current family’s name must be included on the referral line of the new family’s application when submitted. Only one Cornerstone family may be listed on each new family application. The tuition credit will not be split between or among referring families.     

Incentive award consideration is limited to the referral of brand new families enrolling in Cornerstone and is given on a per-family, not per-student, basis.  It does not apply to former Cornerstone families or employees of Cornerstone. Should either family enroll or withdraw during the course of the school year, the credit for that family will be prorated based on the number of days of attendance. Families receiving tuition credit in excess of $600 are responsible for any necessary tax documentation. 


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