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School Alert
Fine Arts

    "The Christian is one whose imagination should soar beyond the stars."

Dr. Francis Schaeffer

The study of fine arts encourages students to explore unique areas of giftedness, develop these talents, and use them as expressions of worshipping God.  The visual arts enable students to develop their creative skills while exploring a variety of mediums.  The performing arts encourage personal responsibility, discipline, and leadership development while striving for common group goals. 

Jr. High

Cornerstone's 6th-8th graders can participate in band, strings, orchestra, and chorus.  Students will learn basic music theory and have the opportunity to perform at school, community concerts, and music festivals.

Sr. High

Our 9th-12th graders have a wide variety of fine arts programs from which to choose. 

Concert Band This course is open to students who have had at least one year of experience with instrumental music.

Concert Choir  Cornerstone students who participate in Concert Choir have the opportunity to perform in the community as well as in-school concerts.

Concert Orchestra This course is open to those who have had at least two years of experience.

AP Music Theory  Designed for students with a desire to pursue music beyond high school, this course includes preparation for the audition process.  Students will study the structure of music, harmony, composition, ear training, form, and analysis.  At the end of the course, 12th grade students will participate in the Senior Recital.

Foundations of Worship  This year-long study focuses on spiritual growth, elements of worship, its purpose in the life of the church and the believer, and its place within church history.  The object of this class is to develop musicianship and leadership skills for leading others in worship.

Worship Arts  This year-long course allows students to put into practice the concepts taught in the Foundations of Worship class.  Those enrolled in Worship Arts will serve on rotating Chapel teams and will be responsible for leading worship throughout the semester.

Art  Students will be challenged to develop technical methods including drawing, painting, and sculpture in this course. An in-depth discussion of the elements of art and principle design is also included. 

Journalism  Cornerstone's Journalism course is designed to help students develop their research and writing skills as they pertain to the news reporting process.  Students will be exposed to different types of media and will participate in broadcast and publishing experiences.  Students who have completed at least one year of journalism may serve as editors of the school newspaper and yearbook.

Drama  In this year-long course, students will study play production and performance and review all aspects of physical acting: blocking, voice preparation, diction, articulation, and projection. This course introduces students to internal and external acting principles, theatre
history, as well as play and character analysis. Technical theater is reviewed through various productions.



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